Home > Brooklyn Neighborhoods > City Line Brooklyn New York

City Line Brooklyn New York

By Accord Real Estate Group

Zip Code 11207

Neighborhood boundaries

City Line is a subsection of the East New York neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY. It is bordering the neighborhoods of Cypress Hills to the North and South West and Ozone Park in Queens to the East.

The main commercial district of City Line is located along Liberty Avenue. There are many restaurants, food markets and stores to visit in this Brooklyn's neighborhood.

Some examples of real estate prices in today's market are :

For a single family house the price range is from $550,000 to $750,000 and the price range for a Multi family building is from $850,000 to $1.1M.

Brooklyn New York Real Estate listings

To browse through real estate listings - Residential, commercial and investment properties, Co-op apartments and Condos, new developments, mixed use buildings, brownstones and townhouses, raw land, vacant lots, to check home and house values and compare the prices of houses by Neighborhood click on Listed Properties.

City Line Brooklyn Real Estate

Get expert advice on how to sell your home or investment property in City Line Brooklyn, New York. Learn about the current, top market value of your property. Free property evaluation. Please email Jeff Grandis - Brooklyn realtor - at jeff@accreg.com or call at 917-804-3198. It is now a fact that families from all five New York City boroughs especially from Manhattan, are seeking to buy a home in Brooklyn, NY because Brooklyn is no longer an alternative, it is the 1st and best choice in where to buy.